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  1. Albánia

  2. Algeria

  3. Kenya

  4. Mauritius

  5. Canada, British Columbia

  6. Cuba

  7. Dominican Republic

  8. Mexico

  9. Peru

  10. United States, Texas

  11. Georgia

  12. Indonesia

  13. Malaysia

  14. Oman

  15. Pakistan

  16. Sri Lanka

  17. Syria

  18. Turkey

  19. United Arab Emirates

  20. Yemen

  21. Austria

  22. Belgium

  23. Bosnia and Herzegovina

  24. Bulgaria

  25. Croatia

  26. Czech Republic

  27. Denmark

  28. France

  29. Germany

  30. Greece

  31. Hungary

  32. Italy

  33. Liechtenstein

  34. Luxembourg

  35. Macedonia (FYROM)

  36. Malta

  37. Montenegro

  38. Morocco

  39. Netherlands

  40. Norway

  41. Portugal

  42. Romania

  43. Russia, Krasnodar Krai

  44. San Marino

  45. Serbia

  46. Seychelles

  47. Slovakia

  48. Slovenia

  49. Sweden

  50. Switzerland

  51. Ukraine

  52. United Kingdom, England

  53. United Kingdom, Scotland

  54. Vatican City

My other great love is the Travelling. Here is a list of countries, where I have visited and here is the best photos from these countries.

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